
Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Dentist Robert Garelick Charged with Drunk Drilling

New York Dentist Robert Garelick

Or rather Dr. Garelick is charged with working on a patient while under the influence of alcohol.

A well-regarded dentist on Long Island spent Monday night in jail, accused of boozing it up and then performing a complicated drilling procedure in the mouth of his patient.

Doctor Robert Garelick appeared to smirk as police led him handcuffed to court, CBS 2’s Jennifer McLogan reported Tuesday.

“Suffolk County police arrested a dentist who was under the influence of alcohol while he conducted a dental procedure on a patient yesterday afternoon,” police spokesperson Kerry Pecorino told WCBS 880 Long Island Bureau Chief Mike Xirinachs.

According to the district attorney, Dr. Garelick, 57, said he might have had a couple of beers at lunch. However, detectives allegedly  confiscated a water bottle with alcohol in it, 1010 WINS’ Mona Rivera reported.

According to court papers Dr. Garelick stated, “I know I did something incredibly stupid.”

“It doesn’t appear that she suffered from any injury, which is certainly important. There can be a whole host of reasons why someone may not be acting in the manner you would expect them to,” said Randy Zelin, Garelick’s attorney.

OK, the dentist should have known better, and it is good the patient was not harmed.

Dr. Garelick needs to get into rehab and if successfully treated, then provide some dentistry for some less fortunate patients.

A goodly time of license suspension and probation will be ordered.

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