
Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Fake California Dentist Esteban Campos Pleads Guilty

Another case of a phony dentist who cops a plea. I originally had the story here.

Esteban Campos pleaded guilty in Orange County Superior Court Wednesday to representing himself as a dentist despite having no license to practice and of stashing a large inventory of dental narcotics and other drugs.

The Buena Park 47-year-old was sentenced to 30 days in jail, five years of probation, ordered to pay restitution and $500 in fines and prohibited from offering dental treatments, consultations, or otherwise practicing dentistry for patients for the duration of his probation.

There needs to be more enforcement and a national/state online database of licensed dentists and dental hygienists.

When ObamaCare begins I am wondering if dental license credentialing will be more closely monitored.

It really could not get any worse.

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