
Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Connecticut Mall Teeth-Whitening Entrepreneurs Sue the Connecticut Dental Commission

Smile Bright Teeth Whitening
More in the turf war between State Boards of Dentistry and Tooth whitening business and this time in Connecticut.
The contentious issue of teeth whitening in malls and spas has flared up in Connecticut, where a public interest law firm today filed a lawsuit against members of the Connecticut State Dental Commission, contending that the commission illegally shut down small businesses that offered the procedure at lower prices than dental offices.
You remember the flap in North Carolina earlier this year and which is continuing.

Here is the lawsuit:

CT Dental Complaint

This legal war between the non-professionally licensed teeth whitening businesses and dentistry (state professional licensing boards) will continue until a federal appeals court or even the United States Supreme Court rules on the issue of state boards of dentistry and their sovereignty to decide what IS the practice of dentistry. This lawsuit is just a start in Connecticut.

 The North Carolina case may be the first case up in the federal courts.

 But, I do not foresee a quick resolution. In fact, the Obama Administration appointed Federal Trade Commission may be replaced before the appeals courts take up the case.

Stay tuned..... 

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