
Monday, October 03, 2011

Pennsylvania Teenager Tries to Extract His Own Teeth - Father Pleads Guilty to Reckless Endangerment

Francisco Torres, center, leaving district court following a brief preliminary hearing back in June. Torres pleaded guilty today to recklessly endangering another person

What is this father thinking?

An Easton man claims he “procrastinated” about getting dental care for his teenage son, leading the boy to pull two of his own teeth with pliers because of the pain.

Francisco Torres, 40, of the 900 block of Centre Street, pleaded guilty today to recklessly endangering another person, a misdemeanor.

court Torres said he receives Social Security benefits for a diagnosis
of being mentally disturbed. Defense attorney Tim Prendergast requested a
psychological evaluation.

Judge Michael Koury ordered a presentence investigation and set sentencing for Dec. 9.

charge carries a maximum sentence of two years in prison. But under
state sentencing guidelines, Torres' prior criminal record means a
standard sentence could be six to 16 months in prison.

This was not a matter of education, finance,dnetal insurance, but just plain ignoring his son's complaint and not caring.

Maybe a few years in jail will "educate" this man into being a proper parent. Somehow I doubt it will help.

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