
Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Update: Social Media Drills Bakersfield Pediatric Dentist Dr. Dove

You remember the controversy and it accelerated expanded to include alleged HIPPA violations.

Now, there is a new Facebook Page since the old one was taken down by Facebook.

Here is the flap from the father's Facebook Page.
This past Monday which was August 22nd 2011 I took my 5 year old son to have a tooth that I was told needed to be extracted. After arriving at the office my son was given a sedative by mouth in a small cup to drink. He immediately threw up at least 50% of the mixture. I was told to keep an eye on him as he might have vomited it up and it not work.

After approximately 15 minutes a nurse came to me and my son and she wanted to take him in the back for the procedure. He was not ready and he was still very alert. I told the nurse this and she informed me she was only going to be taking x-rays and would be back shortly with him.

Ten to 15 minutes later a nurse comes from the back frantically calling for me and I can now hear my son screaming my name. I rushed to the back and he was being held down by the shoulders by 3-4 nurses and I snatched him up very quickly. He had blood coming from his mouth and was wet from head to toe.

He had urinated all over himself. This Dr. had removed my sons tooth while he was not sedated and not numb. My wife and I confronted the staff. I was furious and red. I asked why he was was operated on since I just told the nurse he was not ready. I also asked why they did not stop if he was urinating himself. Dr. Doves exact words were " I cant help it if your son pees during operation" I was getting redder.

At this time I decided it would be better for me to leave the office and get my son out of the office. My wife and I were trying to calm him and get him into the car and my rage got the best of me. I had to confront the Dr. I went back into the office and demanded somebody speak to me and explain how against my wishes my son was operated while not sedated and that I was ( expletive off). The office manager came to the front and took me to a back room to speak in private.

I asked her how they could do this, why they would do this and why did they not stop when he was obviously in pain and scared. The office manager responded" Normally we go ahead with the procedure because people take time off work to get there kids here and we want to get it done for them" I was getting redder. The office manager then said" she would put it my sons file to not operate unless he was completely sedated". I had to leave the office before i burst.

So after leaving I called the Bakersfield Police department and informed them I wanted to file a assault or battery against the Dr. for what the did to my son and explained the story as I did above. I was told by a officer over the phone that this was a civil case and there was nothing they could do. BS!! I thought. So I called a few lawyers to see about filing a claim against the Dr.

No help here locally from anyone I called which was a few big names here in Bakersfield. I then called the District Attorneys office and told my story to them.

Finally after speaking to very nice woman there and telling her my story she gave me the information I needed to be able try and make sure this does not happen to another kid and possibly more. I am now in the process of that and will be filing my case within the week.

If any others reading this have had any dealings with this dentist please forward your story to this site or you can PM me through my Facebook. I hope this also will help in bypassing this dentist office for your kids.
All well and good.

But, if the father has a grievance, then there are appropriate investigators at the California Dental Board and private attorney's who WILL sue for damages on a contingency fee basis, if you have a case.

It is also good to see that Dr. Dove has decided to decline any further comment.

Now, what makes this case unique was the use of Facebook (social media) to drive the discourse. I am positive that Facebook will now change its rules and not allow this type of discourse, particularly if it involves possible legal issues of defamation, libel and alleged negligence.

I. also, doubt that there will be too much more we will hear about here, unless Dr. Dove is disciplined by the California Dental Board or Mr. Cook sues the dentist.

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