
Friday, September 02, 2011

Disneyland Half Marathon Pre-Expo Report

Preparing to start the 2010 Disneyland Half Marathon

As most of you readers know, Alice, my wife, and I will be running the 2011 Disneyland Half Marathon this Sunday. We signed up for this race early, after enjoying ourselves running the 2010 race. The race was sold out early in the year. I believe there will be over 15,000 participants - a big crowd.

Tomorrow we will head over the Ronnie's Diner in Marina Del Rey (Culver City, California), collect our friends Nancy, Mary and Tara and head over to the Disneyland Half Marathon Expo in Anaheim. We will pick up our race credentials, our race tracing bib, visit our favorite running/health vendors who will be hawking their wares and listen to my running prophet, Jeff Galloway.

Jeff Galloway will be speaking at 11 AM. I have a few questions for him after his presentation.

We may meet up with some of our other running friends as well, like Bob and Carmen (from Alice's work). Then, a light lunch.

I dont want to have a dilemma during the race, like I had during the Kaiser Pasadena Half Marathon in May.

I will post the photos from the Expo here sometime tomorrow afternoon/evening.

To say the race is a treat would be accurate. I am a Senior Citizen now, running from the reaper, so to speak and not ready for Medical Alert Companies - at least not yet.

I will have some more tomorrow.

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