
Thursday, June 16, 2011

U.K. National Health Service Promotes Dentist Campaign with Bad Nashers Video

The video for 'Bad Nashers" - the new smash hit from Ladie Go'Diva...

Well, this is your "Big Government" run dentistry (NHS = National Health Service) in the United Kingdom at work for you.
A new viral video campaign is using a pop video to get students through the doors of NHS dental practices.
The music video, Bad Nashers, is a tongue-in-cheek campaign aimed at young people and students  to encourage greater take-up of NHS dentists, featuring the talents of ‘Ladie Go'Diva' – a cross between Coventry's local heroine, Lady Godiva, and Lady Gaga.
The video for Bad Nashers follows her in her pursuit of perfect pearly whites across the social minefield of a night out in a student union bar. It's being distributed via Facebook, Twitter, and email direct to 10,000 students – as part of the mission for the black-toothed pop diva to achieve web stardom.
Aaron Garside, Director of Social Change at ICE says: 'It's great to be harnessing the power of social media to help young people start thinking – and talking – about their dental health in a new way.
'We certainly had fun making the video, and so far, the people who've seen the teaser on Facebook have absolutely loved it – but the important thing is dispelling myths about NHS dentists, and helping more young people to realise that achieving that perfect smile doesn't have to be expensive or painful!'
'This tongue-in-cheek approach aims to break down some of the myths around NHS dentists,' adds Kerrie Woods, senior commissioning manager at NHS Coventry.
'We're finding 18 to 24-year-olds in Coventry are among the least likely to visit a dentist.  At this age, your dental appointments have stopped being booked by your parents but you might not have got into the habit of making arrangements yourself.'
Certainly a "Nanny State" type of lead in, but I suppose if it attracts someone to receive some dental treatment.....

I mean you don't want your breath to smell like a donkey, now do you?

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