
Tuesday, June 07, 2011

The Morning Drill: June 7, 2011

Brisk Walking Reduces Risk for Prostate Cancer Progression
At least 3 hours per week of brisk walking after a diagnosis of clinically localized prostate cancer may inhibit or delay disease progression, according to new research findings.

Erin L. Richman, MD, with the Department of Epidemiology, at the Harvard School of Public Health, in Boston, Massachusetts, and colleagues reported their findings in the June 1 issue of Cancer Research.

According to the researchers, their group was the first to report that "post-diagnostic vigorous activity was associated with a statistically significant 61% reduction in risk of prostate cancer–specific mortality among men diagnosed with nonmetastatic prostate cancer." However, they add that men with metastatic disease may decrease their activity because of their disease; thus, a causal interpretation is uncertain.
Local dentists cutting ties with Washington Dental Services
A trip to the dentist could get a lot more expensive for thousands of consumers across the state. Local dentists are cutting ties with the state's leading dental benefits company.

If you have dental coverage through Washington Dental Service, it means you may soon have to make a tough choice: stay with your current dentist and pay more, or switch to someone new.

For Dr. Andrew Lewis of Seattle, the choice will test both the loyalty and finances of his patients. As of this month, Lewis is terminating his contract with Washington Dental Service, because the insurance company is reducing reimbursable fees to dentists by at least 15 percent. After nearly two years with no fee increases, dentists say the move means cutting fees, in some cases, as much 22 percent in some dental offices. Lewis says in today's economy, it's a change he cannot afford to make."That charge for me happens to be lower than a fee that I charged 10 years ago," said Lewis. "My rent goes up every year. My expenses go up every year for paying for medical expenses for my staff and myself."
Combat readiness through dental health
Warrior care has been and will remain a top priority for the Marine Corps.  In-theater health services provided by 2nd Marine Logistics Group (Forward) units range from comprehensive concussion care to emergency oral surgery.  Robust dental capabilities allow for most dental issues to be corrected aboard Camp Leatherneck.

Sailors with the Combat Dentistry Detachment, Alpha Surgical Company, 2nd Marine Logistics Group (Forward) are fully capable and ready to treat any dental issues at their facility while troops are still deployed, and return them back to their units in just a matter of days or even hours depending on the procedure.

“We only take care of emergencies here,” explained Navy Lt. Joan M. Gonzalez, from Ponce, Puerto Rico, a dental officer with 2nd MLG (Fwd.). “We assist any Marine, sailor, soldier, airman and even civilians who walk through our doors, and try to provide them with the best dental assistance we can.”
Be on Alert for 'Super Toxic' Bug in Travelers, CDC Says
As health officials in Germany continued to seek the source of a uniquely toxic enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli outbreak that has claimed the lives of at least 18 people, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued a notice to healthcare providers to be on alert for the Shiga toxin–producing E coli O104:H4 (STEC O104:H4) infections among travelers returning from Germany.

While there are some reports of the outbreak stabilizing, the World Health Organization (WHO) confirms that a total of 1823 cases of STEC O104:H4 have been reported, including 520 cases of hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS), a potentially life-threatening complication of the infection that can cause kidney failure. Twelve HUS cases were fatal, and 6 deaths were reported among non-HUS cases.

The number of countries reporting cases of the STEC O104:H4 poisoning had increased to 11 on Friday. However, all but 1 of the deaths since the outbreak emerged in May have occurred in Germany. The 18th death was reportedly in Sweden and involved a person who had recently returned from Germany.
Symptoms of the strain, which European authorities have called "super-toxic," are notably severe, including stomach cramps, bloody diarrhea, vomiting, and fever. However, fever is not usually high.
Equine Dentistry Bill Passes in Texas Legislature
As of May 30, the battle over who can perform dental work on Texas horses, veterinarians or non-veterinarian tooth floaters, was resolved when the Texas Legislature moved to professionalize the practice of non-veterinary equine dentistry by passing House Bill 414. This bill defines and establishes training and educational requirements so that persons who are not veterinarians may legally perform certain aspects of equine dentistry under the supervision of a veterinarian as a licensed "equine dental provider" or EDP.

Veterinarians know that equine dentistry is much more than floating teeth—or filing down the sharp points in a horse's mouth that may cause injury or difficulty chewing. Equine dentistry is a key part of comprehensive equine health care, which includes floating and an evaluation of a horse's entire mouth (i.e., teeth, gums, jaw and tongue) for signs of disease as well as a horse's entire body. In aging horses, improperly cared-for teeth can cause weight loss, malnutrition and even death.
Enjoy your morning drill!

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