
Monday, June 06, 2011

The Morning Drill: June 6, 2011

A collection of dentistry and health related links/comments to start your day.

Weight-Loss Surgery Linked to Rise in Fracture Risk
The risk of fractures after weight-loss surgery may be even higher than previously thought, a new study suggests.

Prior research has shown that people who undergo surgery to lose weight, such as gastric bypass, have an increased risk for bone fractures. One study, for example, showed a 1.8-fold increased risk of fracture compared to the general population.

But further analysis showed the risk was actually closer to 2.3 times greater, according to the study to be presented Saturday at the Endocrine's Society's annual meeting in Boston.

Researchers noted the odds of breaking the feet or hands are even higher -- about three times higher than normal.
Landmark decision in Florida: State opts for ADEX exam for dental licensure
As of Oct. 1, Florida will no longer offer its own clinical licensure examination.

With the support of the Florida Dental Association and Florida Board of Dentistry, Gov. Rick Scott May 31 signed House Bill 1319, an update to the state dental practice act that, among other things, recognizes the American Board of Dental Examiners (ADEX) Dental Examination as the state’s clinical exam for dental licensure.

ADEX is a national test development organization that develops dental and dental hygiene examinations. Florida has already adopted the ADEX hygiene exam for licensure.

The bill is not retroactive, said Dr. Bruce Barrette, president of the American Board of Dental Examiners. “Anyone who takes the ADEX exam after Oct. 1 will be eligible for practice in Florida,” he said. (...)

ADEX has 25 member states and its licensure exams are accepted by many other state boards.

In a statement issued June 2, ADEX officials said “ADEX membership gives a recognizing state dental board direct involvement in the development and evolution of the examinations through committee appointments and approval of the final form of the examinations in dentistry and dental hygiene through appointments to the House of Representatives. Consumer members of state dental boards are full active voting members of ADEX directly involved in the evolution and participation of the examinations.”
USDA Ditches Food Pyramid for a Healthy Plate
A colorful four-part plate, with a side dish of dairy, has replaced the 19-year-old food pyramid as the icon of the new U.S. Dietary Guidelines.

The new icon, called "My Plate," is split into four sections -- red for fruits, green for vegetables, orange for grains, and purple for protein -- with a separate blue section for dairy on the side.

Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack unveiled the icon at a news conference today. He said the food pyramid was "simply too complex to serve as a quick and easy guide for American families."
Xylitol Wipes Reduce Tooth Decay in Babies
Mothers can significantly reduce caries in their babies by wiping their mouths with wipes impregnated with xylitol, even though the wipes do not kill the bacteria most often blamed for the disease, researchers reported here at the International Association of Dental Research 89th General Session and Exhibition.

"We did not find a reduction in the cariogenic organisms, but we found a reduction in caries," Ling Zhan, DDS, PhD, assistant professor of dentistry at the University of California at San Francisco (UCSF), said in her presentation. "This does not follow the usual understanding."

Evidence is growing that xylitol can fight caries, but exactly how this sugar alcohol affects the disease isn't well understood. Whereas older children and adults can chew xylitol gum, these very young children can't, so researchers are exploring the use of xylitol wipes.
Enjoy your morning drill!

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