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First GPs, now hundreds of dentists are revealed to earn more than £300,000 a year

Posted: 04 Aug 2009 01:59 PM PDT

Hundreds of top dentists are earning more than £300,000 a year in England and Wales, figures showed today.

The data, which covers 2007 to 2008, reveals 382 dentists earned the top figure, which includes expenses.

Details of the salaries emerged after the Daily Mail revealed that a number of GPs are also earning £300,000-plus, with one even picking up £380,000.

Another 113 earned between £275,000 and £300,000, while 159 earned £250,000 to £275,000.

There were also 228 dentists who earned £225,000 to £250,000 and 291 making between £200,000 and £225,000.

Dentists earn an average of £89,062, the figures released by the NHS Information Centre showed.

NHS Dentistry Watch: Dentists' earnings leave bad taste in the mouth

Posted: 04 Aug 2009 07:05 AM PDT

A total of 654 dentists in England and Wales earned more than £250,000 last year, new official NHS statistics reveal today.

Data from the NHS information centre shows that 159 dentists earned between £250,000 and £275,000, 113 earned between £275,000 and £300,000, and 382 earned more than £300,000.

With about 19,500 dentists in England and Wales, this equates to one in every 30 dentists earning more than a quarter of a million pounds.

The figures, based on dentists' own tax returns, reveals that:

• The average income for all dentists was £89,062 (before tax).

What's the Prognosis for Obama's Health Care Plan?

Posted: 04 Aug 2009 07:00 AM PDT

The health care reform plans pending in the U.S. Congress would cause more harm than good, according to a study released today by internationally renowned economist Dr. Arthur Laffer.

"Health care reform along the lines proposed by President Obama and currently pending in Congress would render U.S. citizens poorer and their federal and state governments sorely pressed for revenues," Laffer said. "But just as important, these reforms are not a cost-effective way to expand health insurance coverage, one of the primary goals of reform."

According to Dr. Laffer, legislation that provided an additional $1 trillion in federal health care spending would increase health care costs and medical price inflation, slow our national economy, and still leave 30 million Americans uninsured.

Is Twitter necessary for physicians?

Posted: 03 Aug 2009 07:00 PM PDT

Twitter has captured the mainstream imagination, with celebrities and news organizations embracing the medium.

Will Twitter soon be an essential tool for medical practices?

Twitter is a social media service where users can communicate with one another in 140 characters or less. More doctors are using Twitter to connect both with patients and other medical professionals. Some hospitals have "live-Tweeted" surgery, to great fanfare, allowing the public a peek into the operating room and giving them an opportunity to ask the surgeons questions mid-procedure.

Other doctors use Twitter to communicate with patients. Generally not to give medical advice, but to guide the public to reputable sources of information, or share breaking medical news. The CDC, for instance, uses Twitter to provide constant updates on H1N1 influenza.

Study: Kids Aren’t Getting Enough Vitamin D

Posted: 03 Aug 2009 06:58 PM PDT

The vitamin D drumbeat continues today, with a pair of studies that suggest millions of kids aren't getting enough vitamin D, and that low levels are associated with health risks in adolescents.

Nine percent of children and young adults between the ages of 1 and 21 are deficient in vitamin D, and another 61% have "insufficient" levels (higher than deficient, but lower than what's desirable), according to a study published online today by the journal Pediatrics. The study was based on data from more than 6,000 kids tested as part of a federally funded health survey conducted between 2001 and 2004.

In rural America, skepticism of health care reform

Posted: 03 Aug 2009 06:57 PM PDT

Don't tell Dorothy J. Tenorio that Washington is nearing a deal to improve her health care.

A former grocery clerk, Tenorio's been scraping by on disability benefits for more than a decade. The 60-year-old, and many of her neighbors, are skeptical health care overhauls pending in Congress will change much in Colorado's rural San Juan Valley.

"I would tell Congress, they need to get out here to Huerfano County and see how bad it is, see what we're living with," said Tenorio, who suffered a neck injury in 1979 and hasn't worked since 1996.

Cardiologists Encouraged to Examine the Mouth With Periodontists Questioning Heart Health

Posted: 14 Jun 2009 02:31 PM PDT

After learning about the genetic link between coronary heart disease and gum disease, I speculated that dentists could be sending patient referrals to cardiologists in the future; connecting diagnosed gum disease to other risk factors for patients with a history of heart disease. It now seems like a trip to the cardiologist will likely include an oral examination and your dentist or periodontist may be questioning the health of your heart slightly more in depth; thanks to newly released clinical recommendations for both medical and dental professionals.

A consensus paper on the relationship between heart disease and gum disease was recently published in the American Journal of Cardiology and the Journal of Periodontology, both leading publications in their respected fields

How Clean is the Toothbrush that Cleans Your Tooth?

Posted: 14 Jun 2009 11:35 AM PDT

Until recently, little attention has been directed towards the role the toothbrush may play in human health, even though a report of toothbrush as a significant factor in the infection appeared in 1920. It is common knowledge that the human mouth harbours a wide variety of microorganisms, some of which, at any given time, can be assumed to be potential pathogens. This was not known when toothbrushes were originally designed, yet the common toothbrush has been used in basically the same form for about 200 years. In today's world of organ transplantation and alteration of the immune system, it is important to consider the toothbrush as a source of potential pathogens. Given the fact that very often people will traumatize themselves with their toothbrush, this trauma may become a potential portal of entry for organisms. In this article, we have attempted to demonstrate the importance of toothbrush disinfection, given tips on home toothbrush care and hope to motivate the dentists to...

Complications of orthodontic treatment: Are soft drinks a risk factor?

Posted: 14 Jun 2009 11:33 AM PDT

Hilings H.Y. Yip, BDS, FRACDS, Ricky W.K. Wong, BDS, MOrth, PhD, MOrthRCS (Edin), Urban Hägg, DDS, Cert Comp Orth, Odont Dr

Soft drink consumption has steadily increased in recent decades in both western and developing countries. The trend is most apparent among children and adolescents. This rise in soft drink consumption has raised concerns among health care professionals, including dental practitioners. Accordingly, the effects of soft drinks on dental health have been investigated. Several studies have shown that dental problems, such as caries, enamel erosion, and corrosion of dental materials, may be associated with soft drink consumption. Because orthodontic appliances restrict toothbrush access, patients undergoing orthodontic treatment need special oral care and advice. This article reviews the risks and implications of soft drink consumption for orthodontic patients. World J Orthod 2009;10:33–40.

Rating America's Cities - Where the Teeth Bite

Posted: 14 Jun 2009 11:31 AM PDT

Men's Health Magazine published a list of best and worst cities in a few dental-related categories. Which city has the best flossers? Which city pulls teeth the least? Where does your city fall on the list?
Check it Out.

American Dental Association Praises New Tobacco Bill

Posted: 14 Jun 2009 11:29 AM PDT

ADA President John Findley, D.D.S., has praised legislation that would allow the FDA to regulate tobacco. On Friday, the U.S. Congress sent the bill to President Barack Obama, who has promised to sign it, after overwhelming votes in both houses.

"The American Dental Association heartily commends Congress for passing the Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act," Dr. Findley said. "Dentists are the first line of defense in the war against oral cancer and many other tobacco-related diseases. The American Dental Association has long-standing policy that nicotine is a drug, and that cigarettes and other tobacco products are nicotine delivery devices and, therefore, should be regulated by the FDA."

The law will mandate larger, more prevalent warning labels, more tightly restrict tobacco advertising, and eliminate some venues where tobacco is sold, according to the Associated Press (AP).

AMA Weighs Whether Docs Should Hang Up Their White Coats - Bacteria Transmission?

Posted: 14 Jun 2009 11:26 AM PDT

The American Medical Association may be getting ready to make a fashion statement.

One of the policy questions that AMA delegates will consider at their annual conference next week is whether doctors should forgo their iconic white coats for something a little more casual — and a little less dangerous for patients. The measure would urge hospitals to adopt dress codes of "bare below the elbows," to avoid carrying bacteria between patients via coat sleeves.

According to the CDC, nearly 100,000 U.S. patients died in 2002 from infections contracted in hospitals. There has been no conclusive evidence linking infected cuffs to any of these deaths — studies have been done showing that bacteria like MRSA and C. difficile exist on sleeves, but there's no proof that those germs actually get passed around that way. But backers of the change in dress code argue that as long as there's the slightest potential of transmission, everything possible should be done to avoid it.

Over Half Of People With Rheumatoid Arthritis Have Periodontitis

Posted: 13 Jun 2009 01:53 PM PDT

Over half (56%) of people with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) also have periodontitis (a chronic inflammatory disease of the gum and surrounding ligaments and bones that hold the teeth in place), displaying fewer teeth than healthy matched controls, high prevalence of oral sites presenting dental plaque and advanced attachment loss (the extent of periodontal support that has been destroyed around a tooth) (chi square p<0.05), according to the results of a new study presented June 12 at EULAR 2009, the Annual Congress of the European League Against Rheumatism in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Judge in South Hills Pennsylvania dentist's trial gets threats

Posted: 13 Jun 2009 01:45 PM PDT

A letter sent to an Allegheny County judge threatened a "problem" if he does not convict a South Hills oral surgeon of charges he molested patients while they were under anesthesia.

Common Pleas Judge Anthony Mariani, who is presiding over the nonjury trial of Dr. Robert John Boyda Jr., said Monday the FBI was analyzing the one-page, typed letter sent to his chambers at the courthouse. A copy was sent to his former Downtown law firm, he said.

"I'm not intimidated," Mariani said, after showing the letter on a projection screen in court. "This is a very serious affront to all citizens of Allegheny County."

Paying for Obamacare: Hospitals wary of Obama's Medicare cuts

Posted: 13 Jun 2009 01:43 PM PDT

President Barack Obama said Saturday he wants to help pay for his health care overhaul by slowing Medicare and Medicaid spending, but hospitals, medical technicians and others are resisting.

The high-stakes struggle over medical care is heating up as Obama declares the status quo unacceptable.

The president suggests trimming federal payments to hospitals by about $200 billion over the next 10 years, saying greater efficiencies and broader insurance coverage will justify the change. Hospitals, especially those with many poor patients, say the proposed cuts are unfair and will harm the sick and elderly.

1 comment:

  1. It is great information in this article. There is great knowledge for the dentists. Thanks for sharing it.
