
Tuesday, August 04, 2009

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First GPs, now hundreds of dentists are revealed to earn more than £300,000 a year

Posted: 04 Aug 2009 01:59 PM PDT

Hundreds of top dentists are earning more than £300,000 a year in England and Wales, figures showed today. The data, which covers 2007 to 2008, reveals 382 dentists earned the top figure, which includes expenses. Details of the salaries emerged after the Daily Mail revealed that a number of GPs are also earning £300,000-plus, with one even picking up £380,000. Another 113 earned between £275,000 and £300,000, while 159 earned £250,000 to £275,000. There were also 228 dentists who earned £225,000 to £250,000 and 291 making between £200,000 and £225,000. Dentists earn an average of £89,062, the figures released by the NHS Information Centre showed.

NHS Dentistry Watch: Dentists' earnings leave bad taste in the mouth

Posted: 04 Aug 2009 07:05 AM PDT

A total of 654 dentists in England and Wales earned more than £250,000 last year, new official NHS statistics reveal today. Data from the NHS information centre shows that 159 dentists earned between £250,000 and £275,000, 113 earned between £275,000 and £300,000, and 382 earned more than £300,000. With about 19,500 dentists in England and Wales, this equates to one in every 30 dentists earning more than a quarter of a million pounds. The figures, based on dentists' own tax returns, reveals that: • The average income for all dentists was £89,062 (before tax).

What's the Prognosis for Obama's Health Care Plan?

Posted: 04 Aug 2009 07:00 AM PDT

The health care reform plans pending in the U.S. Congress would cause more harm than good, according to a study released today by internationally renowned economist Dr. Arthur Laffer. "Health care reform along the lines proposed by President Obama and currently pending in Congress would render U.S. citizens poorer and their federal and state governments sorely pressed for revenues," Laffer said. "But just as important, these reforms are not a cost-effective way to expand health insurance coverage, one of the primary goals of reform." According to Dr. Laffer, legislation that provided an additional $1 trillion in federal health care spending would increase health care costs and medical price inflation, slow our national economy, and still leave 30 million Americans uninsured.

Is Twitter necessary for physicians?

Posted: 03 Aug 2009 07:00 PM PDT

Twitter has captured the mainstream imagination, with celebrities and news organizations embracing the medium. Will Twitter soon be an essential tool for medical practices? Twitter is a social media service where users can communicate with one another in 140 characters or less. More doctors are using Twitter to connect both with patients and other medical professionals. Some hospitals have "live-Tweeted" surgery, to great fanfare, allowing the public a peek into the operating room and giving them an opportunity to ask the surgeons questions mid-procedure. Other doctors use Twitter to communicate with patients. Generally not to give medical advice, but to guide the public to reputable sources of information, or share breaking medical news. The CDC, for instance, uses Twitter to provide constant updates on H1N1 influenza.

Study: Kids Aren’t Getting Enough Vitamin D

Posted: 03 Aug 2009 06:58 PM PDT

The vitamin D drumbeat continues today, with a pair of studies that suggest millions of kids aren't getting enough vitamin D, and that low levels are associated with health risks in adolescents. Nine percent of children and young adults between the ages of 1 and 21 are deficient in vitamin D, and another 61% have "insufficient" levels (higher than deficient, but lower than what's desirable), according to a study published online today by the journal Pediatrics. The study was based on data from more than 6,000 kids tested as part of a federally funded health survey conducted between 2001 and 2004.

In rural America, skepticism of health care reform

Posted: 03 Aug 2009 06:57 PM PDT

Don't tell Dorothy J. Tenorio that Washington is nearing a deal to improve her health care. A former grocery clerk, Tenorio's been scraping by on disability benefits for more than a decade. The 60-year-old, and many of her neighbors, are skeptical health care overhauls pending in Congress will change much in Colorado's rural San Juan Valley. "I would tell Congress, they need to get out here to Huerfano County and see how bad it is, see what we're living with," said Tenorio, who suffered a neck injury in 1979 and hasn't worked since 1996.

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