
Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Pennsylvania Dentists Ordered NOT to Date Patients


New Pennsylvania Dental Board regulations have been adopted forbidding dentists from dating their patients.

Dentists who find their perfect love match sitting in the patients' chair must end the professional relationship and wait a few months before dating, according to new state regulations.

The new rules say that any sexual conduct -- even consensual contact -- with a current patient, including ''words, gestures or expressions, actions or any combination thereof,'' is subject to disciplinary action by the State Board of Dentistry.

The regulations will apply to dentists, hygienists and other state-licensed dental practitioners engaged in sexual conduct with patients they have treated within the past three months. There are exceptions for relationships in which the patient is a spouse or a lives with the employee.

The rules received a state regulatory review board's final approval Thursday over the objections of the Pennsylvania Dental Association. The association argued that the new rules are excessively broad and that current regulations prohibiting sexual, verbal and physical abuse of patients are adequate. The regulations will take effect in the coming weeks after they are formally published.
Flap wonders how long it will take the courts to hold this fool-hearty attempt to legislate ethics unconstitutional and an invasion of the right to privacy?

Not long.....

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