
Wednesday, October 22, 2008

No American Dental Association Dues Increase for 2009


No dues increase for American Dental Association member dentists this year.

The ADA House of Delegates Oct. 21 approved the 2009 Association budget—without adopting a dues increase. Dues in 2009 will remain at their current level of $498.

On Monday, the House directed the Board of Trustees to limit operating expenses to $115, 227,200, about $2 million less than what the Board proposed this summer when it recommended a $14 dues increase to balance the budget. Revenues for 2009 are anticipated to be $115,927,850.

After culling through nine areas of the operating budget, the Board came back the next day and proposed cuts totaling about $2 million, a number which was adjusted slightly after House discussion. This adjustment resulted in a projected deficit of about $11,000 (too small to require a dues increase).
Yes, Flap is a member.

But, it is increasingly difficult to justify the expense when over $100.00 of the California Dental Association dues component is donated to politicians and my local component is giving $100 per year to a local state-funded Community College to fund Dental Hygienists education.

The ADA and its two other components have turned into a big government supporting bureucracy and not the advocacy group for dentists and community health as it once was.

A shame really as the membership shrinks with each passing year.

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