
Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Journal of The American Dental Association Notes Success But....


The American Dental Association has announced record downloads of the Journal of the American Dental Association.

Online downloads of full-text articles from The Journal of the American Dental Association Link opens in separate window. Pop-up Blocker may need to be disabled. are expected to reach 3.5 million by year-end 2008, an increase of about 1 million downloads over last year's record-setting volume.

"We are very pleased by the response to JADA online," said Dr. Michael Glick, editor of the ADA Journal. "We take this as a clear indication of JADA's increasing value to the profession, a sign that we are producing a journal that meets the needs and wants of its readers."

In late 2005, ADA Publishing—which produces JADA and the ADA News and oversees—partnered with Stanford University's HighWire Press to launch an improved JADA online portal, with a streamlined process for finding and accessing full-text JADA articles.

In 2006, its first year of operation, the newly improved JADA online recorded about 1.1 million full-text article downloads. A year later, that figure had risen to more than 2.5 million.

Within the first three quarters of 2008, JADA's full-text downloads numbered nearly 2.7 million and are expected to hit 3.5 million by year-end.
This is all well and good especially since organized dentistry was late going to online publications as compared to medicine, law and the technology industries.

But, what Flap wants to see is a centralized American Dental Association online library where the member can access the various resources, including historical texts as well as current evidence based journals, without having to scour the internet,find the source material and then pay outrageous per article access fees.

The days of the print only dental journal/book are over and the sooner organized dentistry facilitates the change the better the profession's access to current knowledge.

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