
Monday, June 23, 2008

Hannah-Beth Jackson Watch: Blows More Smoke Over Tobacco Company Protest

Cross Posted from the FullosseousFlap's Dental Blog Main

Tony Strickland Fundraiser June 17 2008 040

Joe Angeles, California Assemblywoman Audra Strickland’s Chief of Staff during protests of June 17, 2008. Photo By Flap

Former California Assemblywoman Hannah-Beth Jackson and Democrat nominee for the California State Senate, District 19 has issued a press release.

Contact: Chris Lanier Friends of Hannah-Beth Jackson 2008 Press Release


On Tuesday, June 17th, a state employee on Assemblymember Audra Strickland’s staff Joel Angeles attacked several participants of a protest of candidate Tony Strickland’s acceptance of massive contributions from the tobacco lobby. Mr. Angeles’ attack was provoked only by the protesters’ desire to exercise their first amendment rights.

Had Joel Angeles been my employee he would have been fired on the spot. There is no justification for anyone, let alone a state employee, to deprive anyone of their free speech rights. A public employee on the staff of an elected representative is committed to protect the constitution on behalf of his employer, the State of California. Assemblymember Strickland has apparently suspended Mr. Angeles for a month. It is incomprehensible that someone with such a long history of service with Audra and Tony Strickland as Mr. Angeles would not understand the public’s basic constitutional rights and the responsibilities of a public official. Audra and Tony Strickland should ensure that he has no future role in fulfilling their public responsibilities or campaigning for public office.

I have asked everyone associated with my campaign to respect our opponent’s right to express their views, and believe that the public has the right to a full debate on the issues that face us in this election. The choice of who will represent the 19th Senate District next year is far too important to allow bullying or intimidation to disrupt the process.

– Hannah-Beth Jackson, June 20th, 2008

Tony Strickland Fundraiser June 17 2008 024

GOP and Democrat demonstrators line Westlake Blvd. Photo By Flap

Yada Yada Yada

Hannah-Beth Jackson, a former attorney and prosecutor has AMAZINGLY already convicted Joe Angeles of a civil rights violation, and would fire him, a California State employee, on the spot for depriving people of their free speech rights. Flap had this account of the original fracas.

Flap was there and wrote this post after the altercation/protests and the fundraising event for Assemblywoman Audra Strickland’s husband, Tony.

The entire Flap was and continues to be a “He Said, They Said” argument. Flap did not see the supposed “smack down” but did interview one of the female alleged victims. She did have scratches on her right arm which she said she received by being pushed into an adjoining hedge.

But, the hedge had sharp prongs, the sidewalk was filled with people and Flap was easily pushed into it and scratched his own arm.

Ventura County Sheriff officers interviewed all parties and since none of the parties would pursue prosecution or a citizen’s arrest, no arrests were made.

Hannah-Beth Jackson was NOT present but would FIRE someone based upon conflicting press reports or the observations by partisans supporting her candidacy? Hey, Hannah-Beth ever hear of “DUE PROCESS?”

As far as bullying and intimidation of the political process there was none. Both sides demonstrated and protested vigorously.

It is not surprising that Hannah-Beth Jackson is wrong in her characterization of events of June 17. She is just blowing smoke again.

Tony Strickland Fundraiser June 17 2008 031

GOP and Democrat demonstrators line Westlake Blvd. Photo By Flap


Hannah-Beth Jackson Watch: Blowing Smoke Over Tobacco Company Contributions

Audra Strickland Watch: Chief of Staff Joel Angeles Placed on Leave

Tony Strickland Watch: Taking it to the Streets - Politics That Is

Receiving Campaign Contributions from Tobacco Companies a Campaign Issue? Part 3

Receiving Campaign Contributions from Tobacco Companies a Campaign Issue? Part 2

Receiving Campaign Contributions from Tobacco Companies a Campaign Issue?

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