
Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Rush Limbaugh Watch: Operation Chaos - Success in Indiana?

Cross Posted from the FullosseousFlap's Dental Blog Main

Flap will be cross posting more content from the main blog until my WordPress software is updated.


Early news reports from Indiana have large numbers of Republicans crossing over and voting in the Democrat Presidential primary election.

10:51 AM — ‘Hardcore’ Republicans voting Democrat

The two precincts at Broad Ripple Family Center selected Republican Jon Elrod over Democrat Andre Carson in March’s special election for U.S. Congress. But by 9 a.m., just 21 voters in one of those precincts had requested Republican ballots — out of 168 cast.

Amid heavy turnout, Republicans appeared to be crossing over in droves today in Marion County and suburban counties, where fewer Republican voters might impact down-ticket primary races.


Stay tuned……


Rush is having voters from Indiana calling into his show and the cross-over Republican voters VOTING for Hillary is progressing. Voters are not being challenged as promised by the Indiana Democrat Party.

There are cross-over voters also reporting in from North Carolina.


Hillary Clinton Watch: Rush Limbaugh - “He’s Always Had a Crush on Me”

Rush Limbaugh Watch: Advice to Team Obama

Rush Limbaugh Watch: Operation Chaos - Vote for Hillary

Rush Limbaugh Watch: Operation Chaos - Gaming Indiana

Rush Limbaugh Watch: Operation Chaos - an Operational Pause

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