
Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Indiana Voting More Like a General Election

Naomi Cannon leaves Saint Monica and Saint Luke Catholic Church after voting Tuesday, May 6, 2008 in Gary, Ind. Indiana and North Carolina are hosting primary elections today.

Voting is brisk in Indiana and the Marion County Clerk Beth White said voters should GO NOW to vote and this was three hours ago.

“I’d recommend they get there right now, bring their ID and prepare to be patient,” White said during a news conference in the clerk’s office.

Polls close at 6 p.m., and White said turnout already is looking less like a primary than a general election. Based on reports from precincts, she said turnout may surpass the November 2006 election, when one-third of Marion County voters showed up, but might not be as large as the 2004 election, when nearly 54 percent of registered voters took part in the contest pitting President George W. Bush against John Kerry.

Four years ago, less than one in five Marion County registered voters showed up for the primary.

Flap will have exit polling as soon as some are LEAKED released.

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