
Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Day By Day by Chris Muir May 14, 2008

Cross Posted from the FullosseousFlap's Dental Blog


Day By Day by Chris Muir

Even with Hillary’s vicotry last night in West Virginia it is becoming increasingly clear that Barack Obama will be the Democrat nominee for President. With last night’s MS-1 Special Congressional race debacle for the GOP, Obama indeed may be elected the next President.

Are American voters experiencing Bush or is it GOP fatigue? Both have been long on promises and short on delivery.

Or do the Democrats simply WANT it more?

John McCain will have to prove very soon that he is NOT another Bob Dole or it will be a very long summer and fall.

Flap will be on the road this afternoon from Las Vegas, Nevada and blogging wll continue to be light.

However, Flap will be updating Twitter more regularly and you may follow him here.

During this slow period, One Fine Jay will be doing some design and blog platform work so should you find the site unavailable please go to Flap’s back-up blog which is over at Google’s Blogspot.


The Day By Day Archive

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