
Sunday, April 27, 2008

CDC Says Lead Levels in Dental Crowns Are a “Highly Unlikely” Health Risk to Adults

Cross Posted from the FullosseousFlap's Dental Blog Main

A sample of the crown and bridge work available from China Dental Outsourcing

From the American Dental Association:

When news of lead contamination in an outsourced dental crown hit the presses in late February, the ADA called on the nation’s leading health agencies to address safety concerns raised by the reports. Association leaders are gratified by their responses.

The CDC explained that the level of lead reported in the crown in the media reports —approximately 200 parts per million—is “highly unlikely” to be a health risk to an adult.

“Such small amounts of lead as reported, are extremely unlikely to cause adverse health effects in adults,” the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention told the ADA in its response. “Given the current information, CDC does not recommend that individuals defer needed oral procedures or have existing prostheses removed.”

That said, the CDC noted that it recommends against the unnecessary use of lead in consumer products, including dental crowns.

“I’m relieved that the CDC sees no threat to patients based upon the trace amount of lead reported,” said ADA President Mark Feldman. “We are still conducting our own test of dental prostheses and are gratified that CDC has offered to interpret any health impact of the results”.

So, patients will NOT need crowns which have been outsourced to China replaced. But, how would they ever know if their crowns or other prostheses have been made overseas in the first place - and to what standards.

Flap bets there will be state by state legislation requiring disclosure by dentists to their patients on where their prostheses are manufactured and the materials used.

In the meantime, outsourcing will continue but with increasing scrutiny by the feds and the protestations of American dental laboratories and patients alike.

1 comment:

  1. I will not cut corners and outsource my lab work to China. Even though the CDC says the lead levels are "highly unlikely" health risk, I will not take the chance.
