
Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Tom McClintock Declares for Congress

Cross Posted from the FullosseousFlap's Dental Blog Main

State Sen. Tom McClintock uses the steps of the historic Placer County Courthouse to announce his candidacy for the 4th District congressional seat being vacated by John Doolittle.

California State Senator Tom McClintock (R- Thousand Oaks) declared this morning he is a candidate for Congress (CA-4) and former California state Senator Rico Oller withdrew from the race and endorsed McClintock.

“I’ve heard your voices. I’ve heeded your advice. I’m here today to ask for your consideration for U.S. Congress,” McClintock announced in front of the historic Auburn courthouse.

McClintock, a longtime Republican lawmaker from Southern California, will face former U.S. Rep. Doug Ose in what could be a bitter GOP primary to replace John Doolittle, a nine-term incumbent who is not seeking re-election.

The race will be an interesting one and expensive. McClintock currently lives outside the 4th district and represents Ventura County in the California State Senate. He will have to defend himself against the carpetbagger issue.

Flap thinks Tom will have a relatively easy time in winning this GOP primary election in June. Whoever wins the GOP primary will win the general election (Republicans outnumber Democrats by 17 % in registration).


Tom McClintock Watch: Tuesday Morning News Conference - Announcement?

Tom McClintock Watch: Congressional Exploratory Committee

Tom McClintock Watch: Congress - Stay Tuned

Tom McClintock Watch: Congress in McClintock’s Future?

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