
Monday, March 03, 2008

Mohammed Cartoon Watch: Morocco - Cartoons Are “A Short Step from Terrorism”

Cross Posted from the FullosseousFlap's Dental Blog


One of the Mohammed cartoons that sparked riots last year throughout the Muslim world

Now, Morocco’s clerics are getting into the act in condemning Danish newpapers for reprinting the cartoons of Mohammed which previously had created riots throughout the Muslim world.

Morocco’s highest religious authority has said a decision by Danish newspapers to reprint a controversial caricature of the Prophet Mohammad was “a short step from terrorism”.

Last month Danish newspapers reprinted the cartoon, which had prompted violent protests and riots in many Muslim countries in 2006, in solidarity with the artist after three men were arrested on suspicion of planning to kill him.

Morocco’s Higher Council of Ulema said in a statement issued on Sunday that the reprinting “reflects like a mirror a surprising ethical deficiency that is a short step from terrorism, with destructive effects for all humanity”.


  • It said the cartoons represented “aggression against the sacred values of Muslims” and urged authorities in countries where the cartoons have also been reprinted to “act with all haste to bring the aggressors to cease their aggression”.

In other words, governments should step in to prevent criticism of radical Islam.



Mohammed Cartoon Watch: The Price of Notariety

Mohammed Cartoon Watch: Sudan Urges Boycott of Denmark

Mohammed Cartoon Watch: Solidarity with Denmark

The Muhammad Caricature Watch Files


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