
Monday, March 10, 2008

The Hypocrisy of Elliot Spitzer

Cross Posted from the FullosseousFlap's Dental Blog Main

Michael Ramirez parodies Elliot Spitzer in backing away from his support for driver’s licenses for illegal aliens

New York Governor Elliot Spitzer is in big trouble and it wasn’t the SEX but money transfers that tipped off the feds.

Spitzer was leading a double life and he should resign immediately. His reckless, self-involved behavior is inexcusable and his public career is over. In fact, Spitzer may face legal jeopardy.

As recently as this past Valentine’s Day, Feb. 13, Spitzer, who officials say is identified in a federal complaint as “Client 9,” arranged for a prostitute “Kristen” to meet him in Washington, D.C.

The woman met Client 9 at the Mayflower Hotel, room 871, “for her tryst,” according to the complaint. Client 9 also is alleged to have paid for the woman’s train tickets, cab fare, mini bar and room service, travel time and hotel.

Spitzer, who made his name by bringing high-profile cases against many of New York’s financial giants, is likely to be prosecuted under a relatively obscure statute called “structuring,” according to a Justice Department official.

Structuring involves creating a series of financial movements designed to obscure the true purpose of the payments.

Prosecutors reportedly have a series of e-mails and wiretapped phone conversations of Spitzer.

In a interview two years ago, Spitzer, then-attorney general, told ABC News he had some advice for people who break the law. “Never talk when you can nod, and never nod when you can wink, and never write an e-mail because it’s death. You’re giving prosecutors all the evidence we need,” he said.

Spitzer’s career began with fighting organized crime and then prosecuting white collar criminals. This entire mess REEKS of HYPOCRISY. And, having his wife stand up there with him at the news conference - Good God!

Flap doubts Spitzer will remain in office past noon tomorrow.


New York Governor Elliot Spitzer to Resign Tonight Due to Prostitution Scandal?

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