
Sunday, February 17, 2008

Russia Says United States Has Ulterior Motive in Shooting Down Satellite

Cross Posted from the FullosseousFlap's Dental Blog Main

Russia is UPSET that the United States wishes to shoot down a failed satellite with missile defense agency SM-3 missiles. Flap supposes Russia and China received the message.

Russia’s Defence Ministry said on Saturday a U.S. plan to shoot down an ailing spy satellite could be used as a cover to test a new space weapon.

The ministry said there was insufficient proof that Washington’s decision to fire a missile at the disabled satellite was to prevent a potentially deadly leak of toxic gas as it re-entered Earth’s atmosphere.

What a shame.

Russia and China would rather have America negotiate an unenforceable “NO SPACE WEAPONS” treaty so that OUR research would be curtailed while they attempt to steal OUR technology to develop their own anti-satellite systems.

By the way, Flap is positive that the United States does possess other space weapons, including high energy generated lasers - remember those?


Missile Defense Watch: Failed Satellite - A Message to China

United States Speeding Up Missile Defense Plans - Russia

Missile Defense Watch: Putin Continues to Say NYET to Eastern Europe Missile Defense

Missile Defense Watch: US Proposes Joint Missile Defense with Russia

Missile Defense Watch: Operational

Missile Defense Watch: Vandenberg AFB Ground-Based Interceptor Missile Test is Successful

Missile Defense Watch: Gates - Missile Defense in Eastern Europe Continues

The Missile Defense Archive


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