
Monday, February 25, 2008

John McCain Watch: The New York Times Debacle Part Two

Cross Posted from the FullosseousFlap's Dental Blog Main

The Gray Lady by Michael Ramirez

EVEN, The New York Times ombudsman slammed his own paper’s piece.

The New York Times’ ombudsman strongly criticized the newspaper’s insinuation this week that White House hopeful John McCain had a tryst with a female lobbyist 31 years his junior, nearly 10 years ago.

“The newspaper found itself in the uncomfortable position of being the story as much as publishing the story, in large part because, although it raised one of the most toxic subjects in politics — sex — it offered readers no proof that McCain and (Vicki) Iseman had a romance,” public editor Clark Hoyte wrote in the Times’ online edition.

Clark Hoyt, the New York Times’ Public Editor’s critique is here: What That McCain Article Didn’t Say.

Another low for the MSM and the New York Times. How many subscribers and advertisers did they lose in this debacle?


John McCain Watch: The New York Times Debacle

John McCain Watch: McCain Denies Lobbyist FLAP

John McCain Watch: What Favors Did Senator McCain Provide Vicki Iseman?

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