
Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Hillary Clinton Watch: Smear Photo of Obama = Beginning of the End? Part Two

Cross Posted from the FullosseousFlap's Dental Blog Main

Photo Courtesy of Matt Drudge

The photo of Democrat Presidential candidate Barack Obama “DRESSED” in African native attire has created quite a stir since yesterday.

The Hillary Clinton campaign, sinking like a stone in the national polls, has denied ANY involvement.

“I just want to make it very clear that we were not aware of it, the campaign didn’t sanction it and don’t know anything about it,” Clinton spokesman Howard Wolfson said in a teleconference with reporters. “None of us have seen the e-mail in question. If anybody has independent reporting that they’ve done on it I would welcome it.”

Right and EVERYONE believes Hillary and the Clinton Cabal.

The Hillary campaign is a disaster and has overplayed its hand again. Looks like Matt Drudge will be losing his cash cow for the next 4-8 years.


Hillary Clinton Watch: Smear Photo of Obama = Beginning of the End?

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