
Monday, September 24, 2007

Hillary Clinton Watch: Cannot Pledge Iraq Troop Withdrawal

Senator and Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton (D-NY) speaks during a candidates’ debate on health care and financial security issues in Davenport, Iowa, September 20, 2007. President George W. Bush believes Democrat Hillary Clinton will win her party’s presidential nomination but that the Republican nominee will beat her in the November 2008 election, a new book said.

Sen. Clinton Can’t Pledge Troop Withdrawal

Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y., said this morning that she will not make any pledges regarding a U.S. troop withdrawal from Iraq.

“We don’t know what we’re going to inherit,” she said on ABC News’ “This Week with George Stephanopoulos.” “None of us do. We don’t know what’s going to be done in the last 15 months of the Bush-Cheney administration.”

But Clinton reiterated her desire for an immediate troop withdrawal.

“I hope it happens in the next 15 months — but if it doesn’t, it will happen immediately upon my becoming president,” she said.

The senator called for limited missions to remain in place but declined to estimate remaining troop levels.

“Clearly, withdrawing is dangerous,” she said. “It has to be done responsibly, prudently, carefully, but we have said that there will be a likely continuing mission against al Qaeda in Iraq. … So I think that there are some limited missions, but the numbers we’re talking about are very much smaller than what we have there, and … the missions would be better defined.”

In other words, Hillary will do and say whatever is politically expedient - just like her husband, Bill.

This may play today but will NOT in the general election debates.

Stay tuned……


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