
Monday, July 23, 2007

Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa Watch: Anita Moreno and the Mayor? #2 Did the Mayor Request Latina Security?

Cross Posted from the FullosseousFlap's Dental Blog Main


Graphic Courtesy of ERS News

Luke Ford has four audio clips of a Sunday 5 PM KABC interview by Rob Nelson with ERS News‘ Eric Longabardi where he states:

During the 5 p.m. show, Eric says the mayor specifically requested that women on his security detail be Latina.

Attractive latina Anita Moreno skipped the normal process to get on the mayor’s security detail, presumably upon the request of the mayor.

Eric: “The attitude within the Spanish-language media is that Villaraigosa is their guy. He’s on their team. The slack they give him is over the line… They give journalistic heads-up way out of line…telling him in advance of questions so he doesn’t get side-swiped.”

Audio Clip # 1 is here: where Lonabardi discusses expenditure of public funds when Mayor Villar had his security detail present while he met Telemundo’s Mirthala Salinas for their persoanl relationship.

Audio Clip #2 is here: Lonabardi discusses the Mayor’s security detail and how LAPD officers are normally chosen from the Metro Division and Anita Moreno was not and had to be specifically requested from the Mayor. The LAPD and Mayor’s office will NOT explain why; and favorable press treatment of Mayor Villar from the Hispanic Spanish language media, for example, giving a journalistic heads up to Mayor Villar such as the questions prior to an interview.

Audio Clip #3 is here: Lonabardi discusses how sources in the Spanish language media have come to him and want this Mayoral preferential press treatment exposed in the media because it violates journalistic ethics. They welcome the Mayor’s exposure so it will stop.

Audio Clip #4 is here: Lonbardi discusses the Mayor’s program on Univision: “Villaraigosa on Your Side.” And journalistic ethics violations regarding this program which cross the line. Sources inside Telemundo told Lonbardi that it was well known that the Mayor was sleeping with Salinas and that Telemundo management was either incompetent or deaf, dumb and blind. It got to the point that Mirthala Salinas announced “on air” that the Mayor’s wife filed for divorce while she knew full well she was the “other woman” - and everyone at Telemundo knew it; a caller states the security detail issue is a non-issue because he always has his security with him whether he is visitng his mother or Mirthala Salinas. But, as Lonbardi explains, the Mayor is not the President of the United States and at the end of the day dispenses with his security detail. There are LAPD protocols where they Mayor may request a discharge of his security detail. So, he could have dismissed the detail prior to visiting with Mirthala Salinas but did not do so; Since the story about their affair broke two weeks ago, Mirthala Salinas has been hiding out and using a PR spokesperson arranged through the Mayor’s office and Ameriquest Corporation (a large campaign contributor of the Mayor and his former employer, while he was out of office).

During the course of a television interview on June 19, 2006, Villaraigosa walks with Salinas outside the state Capitol.

Stay tuned…….



Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa Watch: Anita Moreno and the Mayor?

Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa Watch: Los Angeles Times’ SOB SISTER for the Rising Media Star - Mirthala Salinas

Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa Watch: Telemundo Faces Ethics Dilemma in Mirthala Salinas Affair

Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa Watch: Mirthala Salinas Question of the Day

Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa Watch: What and When Did Telemundo/NBC Know About the Villaraigosa - Mirthala Salinas Affair?

Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa Watch: KNBC Television Requests Mayor’s E-mails and Calendar

Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa Watch: Mirthala Salinas and the New York Minute

Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa Watch: Mirthala Salinas and Bikini Journalism

Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa Watch: Villaraigosa Skips TV Interview - Dispatches Spin Masters

Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa Watch: Mirthala Salinas’ Condo Prompts Ethics Questions for Mayor

Antonio Villaraigosa Watch: The Redemption Tour Or A Lesson in How To Spin the Truth

Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa Watch: Sabrina Kay Says NO To Affair with Mayor; Mayor Says NO to Other Affairs

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Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa Watch: Monday Antonio and Mirthala

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Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa Watch: Fading Latino Star - Another Alleged Affair Leaves Questions

Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa Watch: Mirthala Salinas Placed on Leave by Telemundo

Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa Watch: Still A Contender for California Governor in 2008?

Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa Watch: The End of a Political Career

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