
Friday, April 20, 2007

Iran Nuclear Watch: Iran Moves Ahead with Uranium Enrichment


Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (C) speaks during a military parade to commemorate Army day in Tehran April 18, 2007. The banner reads ‘Peaceful nuclear technology is a basic fundamental right for our country’.

AP: Watchdog: Iran moves ahead nuke program

Iran is delivering small amounts of uranium gas to centrifuges that can enrich it to weapons-grade level and is running more than 1,300 centrifuge machines, according to an
International Atomic Energy Agency document obtained Wednesday by The Associated Press.

The confidential document — a letter to Iranian officials from a senior staff member at the International Atomic Energy Agency — also protests an Iranian decision to prevent agency inspectors from visiting the country’s heavy water facility that, when built, will produce plutonium.

Enriched uranium and plutonium can both be used for the fissile core of nuclear warheads.

The letter, signed by IAEA deputy director general Olli Heinonen and dated April 18, said Iran has provided information to the agency that it has put into operation 1,312 centrifuges — the machines used to spin the gas into enriched uranium.

The letter also cites Iranian information to the agency that “some UF6 is being fed” into the centrifuges at the underground Natanz facility, referring to the uranium gas that can be enriched to levels potent enough to be used for nuclear arms.

Iran stopped experimental enrichment — which it was doing on a much smaller scale — in exchange for negotiations with European nations. Talks broke down in 2005, but Tehran has generally refrained from even small scale enrichment, while continuing to develop the technology.

The document reports a significant development, particularly considering the number of centrifuges involved, and the next step — large scale enrichment.

The ball is now in the United Nations Security Council’s court. Here are the resolutions that Iran is clearly violating.
The United Nations sanction resolutions:

UNSC Resolution 1696 (2006)

UNSC Resolution 1737 (2006)

UNSC Resolution 1747 (2007)

So, what will the feckless UNSC P-5-Plus Germany do?

Probably talk with Iran until the Mullahs have a few nuclear weapons. But, will the United States and Israel wait?



Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad points to his supporters as he speaks at a sport complex in the city of Shiraz, 895km (556 miles) south of Tehran April 16, 2007. Iran will announce unspecified new ‘nuclear achievements’ if the United Nations takes fresh steps against it over its disputed atomic program, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said on Monday.

Stay tuned……..


Cross Posted from the FullosseousFlap's Dental Blog


Iran Nuclear Watch: Iran Will Respond to United Nations Sanctions

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Cox & Forkum: Bureau of Disinformation

Michael Ramirez on Iran’s National Day of the Nuclear Technology

Iran Nuclear Watch: Iran Announces Industrial Expansion of Uranium Enrichment on Iran’s National Day of the Nuclear Technology

Iran Nuclear Watch: Iran to Announce More Uranium Enrichment Centrifuges?

Iran Nuclear Watch: Iran Will Have Nuclear Bomb by 2009

Iran Nuclear Watch: United Nations Security Council Approves New Iran Sanctions

Iran Nuclear Watch: Russia Delivers Ultimatum to Iran Over Uranium Enrichment

Iran Nuclear Watch: Ahmadinejad Faces Off With United Nations

Iran Nuclear Watch: New Iran Nuclear Sanctions Headed to United Nations

Iran Nuclear Watch: Russia Postpones Nuclear Plant Launch Over Payments

The Iran Nuclear Files


The Natanz uranium enrichment complex in Natanz is pictured in this January 2, 2006 satellite image.

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