
Thursday, February 01, 2007

Giuliani Notes: California Dreamin' Part 2

Monterey Pop 1967, the Mamas and the Papas: “California Dreamin’.”

Note: The FullosseousFlap's Dental Blog is currently down because Hosting Matters is down.

In the meantime, please enjoy this arhived post.

New West Notes: Not A Dream

THE EARLY CALIFORNIA PRESIDENTIAL PRIMARY came another big step closer to reality yesterday when the state Senate Rules Committee, as expected, voted 4-0 to fast track the bill by Senator Ron Calderon. Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez expressed great confidence about the bill’s prospects in a conversation at the beginning of the week.

The move by the Rules Committee removes the requirement that a bill be in print for 30 days before being heard in committee. Senate leader Don Perata is for the bill, of course, as are Republican leaders in both houses.

The date in question is the first Tuesday in February 2008, February 5th. The first four contests in the Democratic presidential race are Iowa on January 14th, Nevada on January 19th, New Hampshire on January 22nd, and South Carolina on January 29th. The opening contests on the Republican side are New Hampshire and South Carolina, though there is discussion about moving Nevada up.

So California is poised to be the fifth contest for the Democrats and third for the Republicans.

Read it all.....

So, no wonder Mayor Rudy Giuliani has been in California the past two days and returns February 10 to speak to the California Republican Party Convention.

An anonymous source has told Flap that Mayor Giuliani will FORMALLY ANNOUNCE his candidacy for the Presidency at the February 10 event.

The Mayor has a fundraising event scheduled in Orange County, California on February 15.



The Rudy Giuliani Files

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