
Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Hillary Clinton Watch: Barack Obama’s Presidential Candidacy Will Diminish


Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter (R) talks with former President Bill Clinton (L), Senator Hillary Clinton (2nd L) (D-NY) and Chelsea Clinton (2nd R) before the funeral of former U.S. President Gerald Ford at the National Cathedral in Washington January 2, 2007.

Drudge is reporting on a soon to be published New York Times piece:


Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton views Barack Obama as her biggest obstacle to nomination, the NEW YORK TIMES is planning to report, but she believes the threat of his candidacy will diminish — as voters learn how inexperienced he is in government and foreign affairs!

NYT reporter Adam Nagourney has filed a high-impact story, newsroom sources tell the DRUDGE REPORT.

Publication time: Unknown.

Clinton has engaged in a series of nearly nonstop political consultations since Election Day, in what her advisers say are preparations for, in all likelihood, announcing her interest in running for president.

[That announcement could come in weeks.]

Dining recently with allies in New Hampshire, Hillary Clinton was “probing and absorbing, and clearly informed,” reports Nagourney.

The topic turned to the Democratic sweep in New Hampshire in November.

Hillary wanted to know how did the Democrats managed to unseat the state’s two Republican members of Congress, and what were the key issues?

Clinton told Democrats that she viewed her two strongest potential Democratic opponents as Obama and John Edwards.


U.S. Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., speaks at a state Democratic election celebration party in Manchester, N.H., Dec. 10, 2006. New Hampshire voters take their presidential primary responsibilities very seriously, and while Democratic party activists were clearly excited about Obama’s first visit to the state Sunday night for a sold-out rally and standing-room only book signing, some made it clear that he’ll have to keep coming back for more intimate chats if he wants their support.

Hillary is attempting to clear the field of Obama by outlining the case against him - before she resorts to her particular brand of negative politics - personal character assination . Has Obama not accepted the invitation by Begala and Carville to join the ticket or has the Al Gore experience decided the issue for him?

Obviously, Hillary must be worried about internal poll numbers otherwise this story (leak) would not have been floated.

But, will Obama have the COJONES to go for a race against the Clinton cabal?

Stay tuned…….

Cross-Posted from the FullosseousFlap's Dental Blog


Hillary Clinton Watch: Clearing the Field

Rudy Giuliani Watch: Giuliani Continues to Lead Clinton, Gore

Hillary Clinton Watch: Iraq War - “Wouldn’t Have Voted That Way”

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