
Saturday, December 23, 2006

Iran Nuclear Watch: United Nations Security Council Approves Iran Sanctions

December 23, 2006

Iran Nuclear Watch: United Nations Security Council Approves Iran Sanctions


Russian Ambassador Vitaly Churkin(C) walks to Security Council for a meeting on Iran at United Nations headquarters in New York City. The Security Council slapped the first ever UN sanctions on Iran, targeting its nuclear and ballistic missile programs in response to its refusal to halt sensitive nuclear fuel work.

AP: Security Council approves Iran sanctions

The U.N. Security Council voted unanimously Saturday to impose economic sanctions on
Iran for refusing to end a uranium enrichment program that the United States says is aimed at building nuclear weapons. Iran immediately rejected the resolution.

The result of two months of negotiation, the resolution orders all countries to stop supplying Iran with materials and technology that could contribute to its nuclear and missile programs. It also would freeze Iranian assets of key companies and individuals related to those programs.
If Iran refuses to comply, the resolution warns Iran that the council will adopt further nonmilitary sanctions.

The Iranian government immediately rejected the resolution, vowing in a statement from Tehran to continue enriching uranium and saying it “has not delegated its destiny to the invalid decisions of the U.N. Security Council.”

The Bush administration said it hopes the resolution will clear the way for tougher measures by individual countries, particularly Russia.

“We don’t think this resolution is enough in itself,” Undersecretary of State Nicholas Burns said. “We want to let the Iranians know that there is a big cost to them,” he added, so they will return to talks.

As Flap has said over and over - NO MEANINGFUL SANCTIONS will come out of the UNSC.

Iran will publicly decry this ILLEGAL move by the United Nations but will continue on its merry way in enriching uranium at Natanz and other secret locations.

With this charade at the UNSC out of the way, the United States and Israel can now return to the ultimate plan - TO DENY IRAN NUCLEAR WEAPONS BY FORCE.

Stay tuned……

Cross-Posted from the FullosseousFlap's Dental Blog



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The Natanz uranium enrichment complex in Natanz is pictured in this January 2, 2006 satellite image.

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