
Sunday, November 05, 2006

Mark Steyn Watch: Canada’s Indigo Books NOT Boycotting “America Alone”

National Post: Indigo is not ‘boycotting’ Steyn

Re: Steyn’s Book Can’t Be Found In Canada, Nov. 3.

Charges that Indigo is “boycotting” Mark Steyn’s book, America Alone, are ludicrous. Mr. Steyn’s book was for sale at Indigo’s channels in September of this year and it promptly sold out. Indeed we should have purchased more initially but the moment we realized the error, we immediately placed a reorder for several thousand more books. As of this moment, we, as well as most other book retailers in Canada, are still awaiting new copies from the publisher, which we are told will arrive in mid-November.

It is regrettable that Mr. Steyn doesn’t acknowledge that he wrote his Maclean’s piece even though his Canadian sales representative had fully informed him of his book’s reorder status with Indigo. We find it also curious that he chose to unfairly attack Indigo, while most other book retailers in the country are also sold out.

While one has to admire Mr. Steyn’s self-promoting efforts, there is a fine line between publicity and defamation. To make an accusation of “boycott” is a serious allegation and one should not be able to make it just to create buzz and sell more books.

Sorya Ingrid Gaulin, vice-president, public relations, Indigo Books & Music Inc., Toronto.

Well, that is good to hear. The new printing of Steyn’s book will have Flap’s photo credit on the back flap.

The reader can purchase the book here.

And lookie lookie Steyn’s book is doing well on Canada’s Amazon list. The list is here.

Cross-posted from the FullosseousFlap's Dental Blog


Mark Steyn Watch: America Alone To Be SMUGGLED Into Canada

Mark Steyn Watch: America Alone Makes New York Times Bestseller List

Mark Steyn Watch: America Alone - A FLAP Surprise

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