
Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Election 2006 Watch: GOP Loses Control of House But Senate Continues Contested


House Democratic Leader Rep. Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., fires up fellow Democrats at an election night rally at the Hyatt Regency Hotel near the Capitol in Washington Tuesday, Nov. 7, 2006. She is joined, left to right, by Rep. Tim Ryan, D-Ohio, and Rep. Kendrick Meek, D-Fla.

U.S. House: GOP Loses Control by how much will be the issue.

U.S. Senate: Continues in play. Virginia, Montana, Missouri and Tennessee are contested.

The Maryland Senate race is NOT over and the Washington Post has retracted its projection.

Maryland Election results are here.

Watch along with Flap at the links above.

Stay tuned……..


Riehl World calls if for Allen but Flap feels it is premature. This race will be recounted and will determine control of the Senate.

Update 12:07 AM EST

Looks like a recount in Virginia with Montana and Missouri going blue. If Virginia goes to Webb then Democrats win control of the U.S. Senate - as per Flap’s prediction.

The GOP will lose between 20 and 25 seats in the House and control.



Election 2006 Watch: THE ARRIVING GOP DEBACLE - House

Election 2006 Watch: THE ARRIVING GOP DEBACLE - Senate

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