
Saturday, November 26, 2005

Stanley “Tookie” Williams Watch: Schwarzenegger to Hold Private Clemency Hearing

Stanley 'Tookie' Williams. California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger will hold a hearing on clemency for the former gang member turned Nobel Peace prize nominee who now faces execution, a spokeswoman has revealed.

The Los Angeles Times and Dog Trainer has Gov. to Consider Clemency for Killer

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger will hold a private hearing at his Sacramento office Dec. 8 to consider whether to grant clemency to convicted murderer Stanley Tookie Williams, co-founder of the Crips street gang.

Margita Thompson, the governor's press secretary, said Schwarzenegger's decision to hold the private meeting with lawyers representing Williams and the families of his victims did not indicate which way he was leaning on whether to commute Williams' sentence from death to life in prison without possibility of parole.

"The governor reviewed the material in the case this week," Thompson said late Friday. "He decided the best route is a private clemency hearing, so he can hear directly from counsel."

What more does Schwarzeneger need to consider?

Another hearing - and how many years has it been?.......over 24 years!

Read the 57 page brief the Los Angeles District Attorney's office has prepared here.

Schwarzenegger doesn't need the "show" of a public or private hearing.

Make the decision, Governor.

You know what is at stake........YOUR political future.


Stanley “Tookie” Williams Watch: California Governor Schwarzenegger MULLS Clemency

Stanley “Tookie” Williams Watch: FLAP Over “Tookie Must Die”

Stanley “Tookie” Williams Watch: Jesse Jackson, Bianca Jagger Plead for LIFE


Stanley “Tookie” Williams Watch: California’s Life-and-Death Politics

Stanley “Tookie” Williams Watch: Death Warrant Signed

Cobb has a piece on Tookie's son.

For example in 1994 my office prosecuted Stanley 46 Williams’ son, Stanley “Little Tookie” William, Jr., a “Neighborhood Crip” for shooting a twenty year old girl to death in an alley off of Sunset Boulevard in Hollywood in a gang retaliation shooting. “Little Tookie” was convicted by a jury of murder.

Now this revelation is just a real stunning gem. I couldn't invent it. Here's a guy who is supposed to be spared because he writes children's books, but his own son is a convicted murderer.

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