
Monday, October 31, 2005

Jerry Brown Watch: Linda Ronstadt Back in the Oakland Mayor's Life

The San Francisco Chronicle Blue bayou redux

Singer Linda Ronstadt is back in Oakland Mayor Jerry Brown's life -- joining with actor Sean Penn as a special guest for a $1,000-a-head fundraiser planned for Tuesday at Tosca Cafe in San Francisco to benefit Jerry's run for state attorney general.

The event is being co-chaired by San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom, Tosca's Jeannette Etheredge and Brown's new bride and campaign manager, Anne Gust Brown.

As for Jerry's old flame turning out to help headline the event -- the only question seems to be, why not?

We're told Ronstadt has been dividing her time between homes in Arizona and San Francisco, and may contemplating a permanent move here.

No word yet on how many guests have RSVP'd for the cocktail gathering, but Gust Brown assures us, "It's a hot ticket.''

Flap thought Jerry was recently married..........wonder what his wife thinks?

Ahhhhh those liberals and their "open" marriages.