
Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Hillary Clinton Watch: Not Another Independent Commission

US Senator Hillary Clinton, seen here in June 2005, fueled the political debate over Hurricane Katrina, insisting on an independent inquiry into the federal response and sharply rejecting President George W. Bush's bid to lead the probe himself.


Dead bodies are still floating all over New Orleans. Hundreds, if not thousands, of children are still searching for their parents. Wiped-out communities are still awaiting water and power.

So, what is armchair first responder Sen. Hillary Clinton's first response to the Hurricane Katrina disaster?

A commission.

"It has become increasingly evident that our nation was not prepared," Sen. Clinton (D-N.Y.) lectured in a Labor Day letter to President Bush. Yes, thank you, Sen. Sherlock. Those gleaming degrees from Wellesley and Yale Law are really paying off.

Sen. Clinton's "Katrina Commission" would be modeled after the "independent" 9/11 Commission. I can see it now: Democrat Louisiana Gov. Kathleen Blanco, whose main imperative is covering up her own culpability, will be the next Jamie Gorelick; Jefferson Parish President Aaron Broussard, the local corrupt-o-crat who got his 15 minutes of fame on "Meet the Press" last week, will be the next Richard Ben-Veniste.

And this time for "diversity," maybe they'll call on Randall "Black people are eating corpses…oh, never mind" Robinson and rapper Kanye "It's all about me" West to share their deep expertise.

Despite the abject failures of local and state officials to prepare for the worst, abide by their own evacuation plans, maintain an effective police force, and crack down on looters, Sen. Clinton's commission would only examine the "adequacy of federal response efforts."

Translation: Bash Bush.

Look, there's no question the feds fell down on the job. The president himself said he was "not satisfied" with the response. If the White House's purportedly brilliant strategists had any sense, they would advise Bush to fire Federal Emergency Management Agency head Michael Brown in a heartbeat. Brown is the most cretinous of political cronies, a college roommate of a former FEMA official who had no prior experience in disaster management before he was hired in 2001unless you count managing his own checkered job history.

All that aside, a Katrina Commission modeled after the 9/11 Commission is a recipe for more disaster and dissembling.


Hillary is late on the Katrina Bash bandwagon and such indecision in smelling political opportunity never stalled husband Bill.

But, I suppose she HAD to say something.


Her future Presidential opponent, Rudy Giuliani, does not agree.