
Thursday, May 19, 2005

California Bear Flag League Summer Conference

Read about the California Bear Flag League's Summer Conference here:

Preparing for 2006: Bloggers Gaining Access

As the influence of blogs grows, more often bloggers are gathering news directly in addition to commenting on stories from the traditional press. The Bear Flag League is putting together a summer conference on bringing bloggers and newsmakers together.

When: July 17, 2005
1 pm
Special preevent gathering at noon for League Members only

Where: Pasadena California

Price: $50 includes lunch and midafternoon break

Keynote speaker: Dan Weintraub,
The California Insider

Blogs as Part of a Political Campaign
How Blogs Impact Campaigns and Make Policy

Moderated by Scott Schmidt, former Communcations Director, Log Cabin California

Hosted by Calblog, Irish Lass, Local Liberty Blog

Co-hosted by Boi from Troy, The Pirate's Blog

Hosting and co-hosting opportunities still available.

To secure your spot, click the Paypal button or email me.

Flap will definitely be there!

So, should YOU!

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