
Friday, April 22, 2005

Online Freedom of Speech Act Update

Mike Krempasky over at has this update on the Online Freedom of Speech Act:

First, in the House - HR 1606, introduced by Texas Republican Jeb Hensarling can not only boast a few co-sponsors - the better news is this - Ohio Democrat Tim Ryan has become the first bipartisan cosponsor of the legislation. As you can imagine, getting leaders from both sides of the aisle on a bill early is key.

But frankly, I have to say - the news in the Senate is the real gem. S 678, introduced by Minority Leader Harry Reid, has been waiting for a Republican to step up - and one has. And of all the Members that, political balance for Senator Reid - how about RedState favorite Dr. Tom Coburn? (his cosponsorship is not listed in Thomas yet, but Coburn's office has already contacted Reid's.)

Frankly, the legislative route will be hard and a court decision more expedient. However, any change to this unconstitutional law will be slow in coming.

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