
Monday, April 18, 2005

Favorite Blogs of the Biggest Bloggers

H/T for the graphic

Right Wing News has listed the favorite blogs of the A-List of bloggers:

From Tim Blair:

-- Chase Me Ladies, I'm In The Cavalry
-- The Currency Lad
-- Iowahawk
-- Instapundit
-- Iraq The Model
-- James Lileks
-- Little Green Footballs
-- Mother, May I Sleep with Treacher?
-- Professor Bunyip
-- Roger Simon

Lorie Byrd who writes for Polipundit & whose personal blog is Byrd Droppings:

-- Ace of Spades HQ
-- The Anchoress
-- Ankle Biting Pundits
-- Betsy's Page
-- Captain's Quarters
-- Instapundit
-- Michelle Malkin
-- Right Wing News
-- Patrick Ruffini
-- Viking Pundit

DJ Drummond who writes for Polipundit & whose personal blog is Stolen Thunder:

-- The Anchoress: Representing the rational religious voice.
-- Betsy's Page: The discerning reader's guide to blog events.
-- Citizen Smash: One of the first, still one of the best military voices.
-- The Fourth Rail: Representing History's critical voice.
-- GayPatriot: Representing the neglected Gay Conservative voice.
-- IMAO: Representing levity with lethal accuracy.
-- Insane Troll Logic: Covering the gamut, but not the one you expect.
-- Polipundit: In my opinion, the best blend of commentary and discussion out there.
-- Power Line: Still the blog's pulse.
-- Right Wing News: Voice of the Republican Party - or it should be!

Charles Johnson from Little Green Footballs:

-- Belmont Club
-- Tim Blair
-- Chrenkoff
-- Cox And Forkum
-- Eject! Eject! Eject!
-- Instapundit
-- Iowahawk
-- Iraq The Model
-- James Lileks
-- Power Line

Ed Morrissey from Captain's Quarters:

-- The Anchoress
-- Fraters Libertas
-- Hugh Hewitt
-- Instapundit
-- La Shawn Barber's Corner
-- Michelle Malkin
-- Power Line
-- QandO
-- SCSU Scholars
-- Shot In The Dark

Scott Norvell from Tongue Tied:

-- ¡No PasarĂ¡n!
-- Tim Blair
-- Chrenkoff
-- EU Referendum
-- Fark
-- Hit and Run
-- Lucianne
-- Metafilter
-- Plastic
-- Samizdata

Polipundit from Polipundit:

-- Ankle Biting Pundits
-- Best of the Web
-- Blamebush
-- Instapundit
-- Kausfiles
-- Michelle Malkin
-- Patterico's Pontifications
-- Power Line:
-- Red State
-- Right Wing News

Glenn Reynolds from Instapundit &

-- Althouse
-- The Anchoress
-- Tim Blair
-- Betsy's Page
-- Daily Pundit
-- Bill Hobbs
-- Rantburg
-- Roger Simon
-- TalkLeft
-- The Volokh Conspiracy

James Taranto from Best Of The Web Today:

-- Tim Blair
-- The Corner
-- Dynamist Blog
-- Kausfiles
-- Little Green Footballs
-- Overlawyered
-- Instapundit
-- OxBlog
-- Scrappleface
-- The Volokh Conspiracy

Jay Tea from Wizbang:

-- Accidental Verbosity: Interesting stories, cute baby pix. Small-business in Massachusetts angle.
-- AMCGLTD.COM: Cool stories, great links, occasional good, funny smut.
-- Belmont Club: Big Thinker. Helping to fill the gap left by Den Beste.
-- Little Green Footballs: One-stop shopping for outrage, both Middle East and big media.
-- The Shape Of Days: Good take on events.
-- Sortapundit: Oughta be a New Englander,but decent enough sort for an Old Englander.
-- This Blog Is Full Of Crap: He writes the stuff I wish I could think of AND had the guts to say. He'll make you howl in offended amusement. Plus, probably one of the most community-minded bloggers around (but he'll deny saying that).
-- Weekend Pundit: Good blend of local color and national commentary.
-- WILLisms: Up And Comer. Big Thinker, lots of fingers and pies. Watch. This Guy. He's That Good.
-- Yourish: Sentimental reasons, mainly. Hers was the first blog I discovered, and she's still on top of her game -- if a bitmore intermittent now.


Most are on my blogroll but some I definitely need to check out. If only there was more time between patients!

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