
Friday, April 15, 2005

Bloggers Speak Up About Apple Case - The Bear Flag League

We have previously discussed Santa Clara County Superior Court Judge James Kleinberg and the lawsuit Apple Computer filed against three websites: PowerPage (www.power, Apple Insider (www.appleinsider .com) and Think Secret (www.thinksecret .com).

Our posts regarding this assault on the blogosphere are found here , here and here.

Now the Bear Flag League - a coalition of 80 bloggers who are current and former California residents - filed a friend of the court brief with the California Sixth District Court of Appeal in O'Grady v. Superior Court. The O'Grady case is an appellate proceeding arising from the Apple Case.

CaltechGirl has more details here on the Bear Flag League and recaps the legal machinations.

Calblog has this:

Amicus Brief filed

At first it seemed like a crazy idea, but my friends in the Bear Flag League ran with it and it stopped seeming crazy. Today, the Bear Flag League's brief will reach the appellate court. I'm excited that we did this together. So Cal Law Blog, Ben's Law, and I are on the caption but we got a lot of help from Roscoe's Blog and the Angry Clam, who I think posts at Patterico.

I wrote more about the position on Blogcritics.

I have suggested making this public expression of position a regular activity. That idea seems a little more crazy.

When will Apple GET SMART and drop this lawsuit?

Update # 1

xrlq has his take on the situation here.

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