
Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Thanks to Mover Mike!

Thanks Mike and here is a list of his newly added blogs:

I'd like to welcome the following blogs that have linked to Mover Mike:

Always Right -
My blog is dedicated to spreading the truth and protecting the Constitution.

Blogs of War

"Blogs of War" and other sites sometimes beat traditional sources with the latest war news. - CNN

A belated thank you to Chrenkoff - One of the first to link to me, Maybe he liked my template!

Clear and Present - Revealing the forces that are trying to destroy civilization as we know it. - life, liberty and the pursuit of relevance

the evangelical outpost - came on about the same time as Chrenkoff

FullosseousFlap's Dental Blog - (Must be a dental term)FullosseousFlap's Comments on the Dental World and More. Hugh Hewitt would be proud!

Grumpy Old Bookman
- A blog about books and publishing, aimed at both readers and writers.(Ya gotta have some couth!)

Just Some Poor Schmuck - The More People I Meet, The More I Like Nuclear Weapons.

peoria pundit

Radio Free Roider - A completely moderate, independant source of opinion and news. Honest. And don't you say otherwise.

The Conjecturer - The Conjecturer is a semi-group blog, devoted mainly to politcs and current events, but with the healthy obsession with the lesser-known corners of pop culture.

The Diner {at} Penda's Realm - Smooches!

The Hedgehog Blog - Political and social observations from two aspiring hedgehogs who love the Isaiah Berlin essay.

The Templar Pundit - First to attack, last to retreat.

Vultures Row - Beware of Jetblast, Props, Rotors and Liberals

Everyday is a struggle to silence my insanity

Write-Away - Internet marketing musings, ramblings, hints, tips, cool links, articles and more.

The people who own blogs that are in the Top 50, in terms of traffic, are good, incredibly hard working and deserve the attention they get. It behooves us (an old Army term), it behooves us to keep them hard working by challenging them with the younger and newer blogs. They are our starting line. They stay good by challenges from the second string. That is the problem with the MSM. They became satisfied and their standards slipped into inbreeding, shoddy workmanship and bias.
Mover Mike

hat tip to Betsy's Page for this from Dick Morris Another Hillary Scandal:

Hillary has always been a detail person who kept a hawk-like focus on the cost of even her husband's campaigns. How much more involved and fixated she must have been on a major financial decision that affected her own election effort.

The federal indictment of the key financial officer in Hillary's campaign — an event The New York Times did not see fit to put on the front page — shows that Sen. Clinton has not escaped from the culture of scandal that dogged her husband's presidency.

Mover Mike

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