
Friday, January 07, 2005

Secretary Aguiar Outlines How Schwarzenegger Reorg Strengthens Consumer Protection - California Department Of Consumer Affairs

January 6, 2005

SACRAMENTO-Governor Schwarzenegger's comprehensive reorganization plan, while eliminating hundreds of politically appointed board and commission members, will strengthen consumer protection by streamlining government, Secretary Fred Aguiar of the State and Consumer Services Agency said Thursday.

As part of his effort to make government more accountable to the people, Governor Schwarzenegger has proposed converting 33 boards and commissions into programs governed by the Department of Consumer Affairs (DCA). This reorganization will not change regulations or consumer protections that already exist, but it will increase the department's accountability for enforcing the rules vigorously, efficiently and fairly.

"Under this proposal, nothing will change except for more accountability, more direct responsibility and more efficiency, allowing the Department of Consumer Affairs to respond more quickly to the people of California," Aguiar said.

Some of the boards in the reorganization plan include: Acupuncture Board, Board of Psychology, the Alarm Company Operator Disciplinary Review Committee, Medical Board of California, Physician Assistant Committee, Dental Board of California, Committee on Dental Auxiliaries, Hearing Aid Dispensers Advisory Committee, Landscape Architects Technical Committee, Board of Pilot Commissioners for the Bays of San Francisco, San Pablo and Suisun, Structural Pest Control Board, Contractors State License Board, Private Security Disciplinary Review Committees (North and South) and others.

Reporting directly to the DCA director, the qualified professionals who currently manage these programs will have the power to take needed actions themselves without waiting for infrequent board meetings. The new system will help them to shorten the timeframe for licensing and disciplinary decisions.

The new organizational structure will also clear the way for the department to automate administrative functions still performed on paper, and allow it to consolidate administrative services like cashiering, outreach, call intake and complaint mediation to improve service and reduce costs. It will also allow the department more flexibility to shift resources and perform critical tasks, helping prevent licensing backlogs. Last year, professional license applicants faced backlogs that kept them from entering their chosen field for up to several months.

Additionally, the per diem stipends and travel costs currently paid to board members will be taken off the books, freeing money for enforcement efforts and other policy priorities.

"Our efforts to protect consumers will be stronger when the Governor and the Department of Consumer Affairs have real authority to hold these programs accountable," Aguiar said.

Well, if the Democrat Legislature and former and recalled Governor Gray Davis can sunset the California Dental Board then why can't the Governator simply reorganize it?

What a political football!

But, Arnold is right!

He will probably fire all of the appointed board members and transfer the administrative staff.

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