
Saturday, January 15, 2005

Governator's California Redistricting Plan

Hi Everyone,

I am back from San Diego County (some work...drillin' and R and R!) The cards were dealin' well the past couple of days as well.

Here is the governor's redistricting proposal, as introduced by Assembly Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy. If approved at a special election this year, it would require new lines be drawn in time for the 2006 elections. Among the criteria is a requirement that the new lines be drawn to maximize competitiveness, so that whenever possible given other criteria, the registration of the two largest parties be within 7 percentage points of each other.

UPDATE: Several readers have pointed out that one section of the proposal prohibits the use of party registration data in drawing the lines. Another section mandates that the district, whenever possible, be competitive, measured by party registration. Oops.

Thanks to Dan Weintraub at California Insider.

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