
Monday, January 10, 2005

CBS 'Memogate' Report Sparks Calls to Fire Rumsfeld

CBS 'Memogate' Report Sparks Calls to Fire Rumsfeld
by Scott Ott

(2005-01-10) -- While CBS News anchor Dan Rather will be permitted to retire on schedule in March, today's release of a 224-page report on the so-called "memogate" scandal sparked Congressional Democrats to call on President Bush to fire Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld.

CBS responded to the results of its internal investigation by firing four producers, but taking no action against Mr. Rather because his errors were the result of being overworked and over-ethusiastic about the story. However, Mr. Rumsfeld cannot claim a similar alibi, said one unnamed Democrat Senator.

"It's appalling that Rumsfeld faces no consequences," said the Senator. "This arrogant administration never admits mistakes."

Congressional Democrats immediately launched three concurrent investigations that will invite Mr. Rumsfeld to testify about his alleged lack of involvement in the CBS story about Mr. Bush's Air National Guard service in the early 1970s

"Damn that 60 minutes,,,,,," declared Rumsfeld!

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